민병철유폰 Lv5~6 Unit34
I'll work hardly next time.
BETTERI'll work harder next time.
I effort.
BETTERI exert effort.
I exert effort.
BETTERI make a lot of effort. (SIMILAR)
I'll exercise more passionately next time.
BETTERI'll exercise more enthusiastically next time. (SIMILAR)
I'll work harder next time.
BETTERI'll work more diligently next time. (SIMILAR)
I don't dislike any fruit.
BETTERThere isn't any fruit that I dislike. (SIMILAR)
Do you think airport security is efficient in your country? Why or why not?
나는 공항보안이 우수하다고 생각한다. 인천국제공항은 세계에서 알아주는 공항중 하나이기때문이다. 시설과 면세점이 정말 잘되있다고 생각하며 보안도 마찬가지다.
I think airport security is better than other country. because Incheon airport is the best of the WORLD. Facility and Duty-free shops are great. The same is true of security.