정규회화과정 Level 5-6 : Unit 30. Book me a business class seat.
He will stay at home in Singapore.
He will take a buisness class seat.
I will travel oversea.
Have you ever taken a flight? If yes, please share your best flight experience. If not, please describe what kind of experience you want to have on your first flight. Remember to give many details.
나는 3년전에 비행기를탔는데, 잊지못할 추억이생겼다. 회사워크샵 때문에 태국에 머물렀다. 3박4일을 머물고 한국에오는 비행기에서 난기류를 만났다. 기체가 흔들리고 비상벨 소리가 계속해서 울렸다. 갓난아기도 계속 무서웠는지 계속 울었다. 하지만 나는 비행기를 믿기때문에 무시하고 잠을잤다. 난 여전히 이렇게 살아있다.
☞ I have taken a flight three years ago. because the company workshop and I experieced unforgottabel event. I had stay taiwan for the three nights and four days. I encountered turbulence happend on a flight back to the Korea. Because i belived technology of the airplane, I ignored and slept. And I still alive.
I have taken(took) a flight three years ago. (This is) because the company(of our company's) workshop(,) and I experieced unforgottabel(experienced an unforgettable) event. I had (to) stay taiwan(in Taiwan) for the(X) three nights and four days. I encountered turbulence happend(X) on a flight back to the(X) Korea. Because i belived(I believed in the) technology of the airplane, I ignored (it) and slept. And I (am) still alive.